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  • jfarago1

Seriously good dukkah crusted falafels

Today, I was craving falafels, and in the past, I’d just buy them from the shop, or premix and make up. To save $$$ and so I know exactly what’s in them, I whipped these up. I made them up so the recipe may not be perfect. It’s a very wet mix, so I crusted them in dukkah, they held together well, and probably the tastiest falafels I’ve ever had!

Recipe makes 12 small to medium sized ones.

1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed well.

1/2 brown onion roughly chopped

2 garlic cloves peeled

2 tbs ground cumin

1 tbs smoked paprika

1/2 cup fresh flat leaf parsley

Salt and pepper

3 tbs spelt flour to bind slightly

1 egg (remove for vegans)

3 tbs dukkah spice mix

Oil got cooking them in


1. Preheat the oven to 200C fan forced

2. Place all ingredients into a food processor and pulse until combined. You can make it as smooth or chunky as you like.

3. Spread the dukkah mix into a plate.

4. Scoop large tablespoons worth of the mix and pat gently into patties whilst gently coating with the dukkah. It’s delicate work, so please be careful, but so worth it.

5. Heat some oil in a pan on high, I don’t deep fry, just enough to seal both sides. Lower the heat to low-medium and add the patties. They don’t take long to crisp up and become golden, to flip when they do. The spices can cause a little smile so don’t panic, just simply wipe the pan down between batches so the second batch don’t pick up the burnt spice taste.

6. Once all sealed off, place onto a baking try, and finish the cooking process for 10 mins in the oven. These are so good, I’m 100% making these more often. Would be so good in wraps with yoghurt and fresh salad. Tonight, I am having them with steamed kale drizzled with lemon and olive oil, tahini & paprika yoghurt and toasted sesame seeds. The best part about this dish, is all my ingredients except the chickpeas, are sourced from my local produce store - nothing in a packet

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